Command | Parameter | Result type | Description |
List of stations | application/json | Retrieves a list of all stations to display on the map. Result format: { station code: { "n": station name, "x": Y coordinate on map, "y": Y coordinate on map }, ... } |
Current measures | application/json | Retrieves a list of all current measures. The maxid can be used to limit the result to updated current measures. { "values": { stationcode: { "d": measure timestamp, "v": measured value in nSv/h, "c": RGB color }, ... }, "maxid": maxid, "date": current timestamp } |
Station information | application/json | Retrieves the full name and geographical information for a station. { "c": station code, "n": station name, "la": latitude, "lo": longitude, "el": elevation } |
Station measures | application/json | Retrieves the measured values for a station in a given interval. A and B specify the start and the end of the interval in days (A=7 and B=0 for last week). The requested interval may be altered or ignored if it includes more than 50 days or starts more than 200 days ago. { "v": [ { "d": measure timestamp, "v": measured value in nSv/h, "c": RGB color }, ... ], "a": start timestamp, "b": end timestamp } |
Station graph | image/png | Retrieves a plot of the measured values for a station in a given interval. A and B specify the start and the end of the interval in days (A=7 and B=0 for last week). The requested interval may be altered or ignored if it includes more than 50 days or starts more than 200 days ago. X and Y specify the width and height of the plot. Limited to 100 - 1000 pixels. TZ specifies the time zone offset in hours (0=GMT, 1=CET, ...). |